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Large nitial Business Analysis, Digital Marketing & CRM Integration, ,Comprehensive Business Growth Package, All-Encompassing Business Success Package, Up to 45-minute consultation to understand business needs and challenges.Detailed analysis of current business strategies and operations.

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Thanks again for sharing your input on the mobile experience. We have more to do, but the work we did was aligned with some of your comments.


Erin is phenomenal at what she does and pays close attention to details. Her persistence, creativity, and hard work are the key ingredients that will grow any business just like it is doing mines. I am very satisfied with her services and insight.


Having people believe in your dreams as much as you do is the best feeling ever. I appreciate you!


You are really amazing! Seriously, after only one week on my team, you have synced and organized all my email boxes (one with close to over 100,000 msgs), synced & now manages all of my calendars, and created at least three new efficiencies. I have been trying to do most of this alone for months now, unsuccessfully. I am so happy!

BEC Small Business, Entrepreneur

& Start-Ups Blog

Starting a business, running a business, black excellence consulting, small business growth

Unleashing Business Potential: The Black Excellence Consulting Way

December 11, 20233 min read

Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. - Howard Schultz

Welcome to the World of Smart Business Strategies!

Hey there, savvy business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs! Are you ready to dive into the world where business growth isn't just a dream, but a well-mapped journey? Welcome to the realm of Black Excellence Consulting (BEC), where small and mid-size businesses find their wings to soar. But hey, this isn't just another sales pitch – we're here to share some golden nuggets of wisdom that could change the way you see your business. Let's roll!

business consulting

The Secret Sauce of Business Success

First things first, let's spill a secret that many business owners overlook: the power of detailed business analysis. It's like having a GPS for your business journey. BEC excels in this, offering a magnifying glass to look closely at your strategies and operations. It's not just about working hard; it's about working smart. And guess what? Sometimes, the smallest tweak in your strategy can open doors to unexpected growth.

Digital Presence: Your Untapped Goldmine

In today's digital era, if your business isn't online, does it even exist? BEC's mastery in enhancing your web presence is a game-changer. Here's a takeaway – your online presence is your 24/7 salesperson. It's not just about being online; it's about being effectively online. BEC helps you nail this aspect, ensuring your digital footprint is not just visible but impactful.

digital marketing

Consulting That Doesn't Break the Bank

Now, let's talk about accessibility. High-quality consulting services that don't cost an arm and a leg? Yes, please! BEC's approach is all about inclusivity. With free initial consultations and affordable follow-ups, they're breaking the stereotype that top-notch consulting is only for the big players. This is a breath of fresh air for small and medium-sized businesses looking for expert advice without the hefty price tag.

TBM360: The Communication Wizard

Ever felt overwhelmed managing communications across multiple platforms? Enter TBM360, BEC's all-in-one marketing system. It's like having a magic wand that streamlines all your communications into one manageable inbox. Efficiency is the name of the game, and TBM360 is your MVP.

Client Success Stories: The Real MVPs

Don't just take our word for it. The rave reviews from BEC's clients are a testament to their impact. From organizing chaotic email inboxes to syncing calendars and creating new efficiencies, BEC has been the behind-the-scenes hero for many businesses.

grow your customer reviews

A Little Extra for the Road

Before you go, here's a parting piece of advice: Never underestimate the power of a fresh perspective on your business. Sometimes, an external expert eye can spot opportunities and efficiencies that you might miss. And that's exactly what BEC brings to the table.

Ready to Level Up Your Business Game?

So, are you ready to take your business to new heights with Black Excellence Consulting? Remember, it's not just about scaling up; it's about scaling smart. Dive into the world of BEC and discover how your business can not only grow but thrive.

Curious to learn more? Check out Black Excellence Consulting and embark on a journey to business excellence!

Other resources to help you get started with business success:

How to business workbook, small business, mid size business, business consulting, business success, business growth, grow my business

How To Business Workbook

Business Growth checklist:

Here is a quick checklist to Initiate your venture to success for expanding your business, covering essential strategies and actionable steps:

  • Define Clear Objectives and Goals

  • Understand Your Market

  • Develop a Strong Value Proposition

  • Optimize Your Business Plan

  • Enhance Your Online Presence

  • Focus on Customer Experience

  • Invest in Marketing and Branding--This should be very cost effective with the right guidance

  • Leverage Technology

  • Expand Your Network

  • Focus on Financial Management-- Hire a bookkeeper or accountant for this unless it is your expertise.

  • Build a Strong Team-- At the right time.

  • Plan for Scalability--Where most businesses start to fail due to not being prepared.

Black Excellence Consulting, Grow your business, Digital marketing

I am a retired business owner with the title of Professional Photographer, running a full-service studio for seven years, falling in love with more of the business side of things, including logistics, administration, and business consulting rather than the photography technique.

I have always helped small businesses grow, from hosting pro-bono photo shoots for business owners to cultivating a small business owner empowerment group from 2015-2018.

Many small and mid-sized businesses struggle with developing and executing a comprehensive strategic plan. By specializing in strategic planning, I help businesses define their vision, mission, and goals, identify growth opportunities, and develop an actionable plan to achieve businesses' objectives.

Erin Nikole

I am a retired business owner with the title of Professional Photographer, running a full-service studio for seven years, falling in love with more of the business side of things, including logistics, administration, and business consulting rather than the photography technique. I have always helped small businesses grow, from hosting pro-bono photo shoots for business owners to cultivating a small business owner empowerment group from 2015-2018. Many small and mid-sized businesses struggle with developing and executing a comprehensive strategic plan. By specializing in strategic planning, I help businesses define their vision, mission, and goals, identify growth opportunities, and develop an actionable plan to achieve businesses' objectives.

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